Stack Zek Dfek Shok @ Instock

This is a bit of a late posting but I wanted to comment on the vernissage at Instock that kicked off on October 16th. I was only able to stay for a couple of hours but from what I saw the show was a success. DJ Sagewondah was spinning some solid tunes and there was a nice turn out (The Payz Play Supadeejayz were also playing that night but I wasn't around for that bit). Instock has a nice floor area to hold shows like this and its a good location. Hopefully we'll see some more shows at this venue in the future. This is the first time Stack has had his work up in a gallery showing ('bout time I say) along with works from Zek, Dfek, and Shok there are some nice pieces, including a couple with mixed media, up on the walls. Be sure to check it out as the show is running until December 1st at Instock 5259 du Parc, off of Fairmount. Here are a few pics I took of the opening night.

Keep posted for other shows in the near future.
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